Monday, June 23, 2008

Working programme Friday

My name is Giovanna, I live in Cadca, I´m on a weekly training of English and Informatcs. My task is this exercise talking about the activities carried out in the classroom on Friday.
My first activity was on Present Simple, with its I learnt that always use typical words: Every, Always, Never, Usually, Often, Regulary, Rarely…
I also learned about Present Continuous (be + verb + ing) Ex: Typical words: Now, at the moment, this week, today, these days.
During the English classe, we also did our first video, in this video, we talked a little about ourselves, was more interesting because is a different form to learn. After that, talked about our mistakes.
Another method was interesting: We were divided into groups and each group
had to talk about objects that we don´t use every day.
The classes are great and I'm learning a lot.

I will to speak a little about our classes of informatics which are divided into two groups. My group are: Me, Jirina, Irine, Katka, Lada and Jitka.
We learned how to work with the EXCEL, Calculator Program, Formuls, etc…
The Excel is a very good programme and the lessons are great…..

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