Monday, June 23, 2008


Group "B" started English lesson on Thursday morning. They practiced a lot of collocations -finishing sentences through a domino game was very useful for their grammar skills. Then they tried to understand the differences between verbs: SAY, TELL, SPEAK and TALK. In the end of the morning session they described 5 main human senses.
During PC lesson they created blogger - own web site where they added various elements, web albums, profiles, links, details about themselves etc. The result of their hard work on net was a more developed and better designed web site.
In the afternoon they again paid attention to grammar: they learned present simple and present continue.
Group "A" dealt with verbs and nouns created from them. More complicated was part II – conditionals connected with the probability of filling the conditions.
During PC lesson they learned how useful it can be to use a calendar in their google account.
You can see that also Thursday was a day full of new information and skills.

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