Wednesday, June 25, 2008



Add It Training said...

Hello everybody!!!
I obtained nice messages from Ladka and Katka and I'm very happy to hear something about you.
I hope that Irene had a good trip to Hungary and Jirina and Peter to Czech rep.
And I thank a lot to Keric girls and boys again.

Add It Training said...

Greetings to all of you from KERIC!

It is very nice to read your messages, because then the nice memories from our training come back to us.

You took away the nice weather with you yesterday :( At night, we had a strong storm and today, it is so damp, that I am feeling like I was in a sauna.

Next week we are starting summer camps and intensive language courses so we are also having a busy day here.

a big "werewolfy" greeting,

Ivka and Mirka